Fall 2024 FinTech (bachelor level)
Spring 2024 Seminar "Finance" (master level)
Seminar "Financial Economics" (bachelor level)
Fall 2023 Advanced Empirical Asset Pricing (master level, lecture and tutorial)
FinTech (bachelor level, lecture and tutorial)
Seminar "Financial Economics" (bachelor level)
Spring 2023 Fundamentals of Finance ("Grundlagenprogramm Finanzierung und Rechnungswesen", bachelor level, lecture)
FinTech (bachelor level, lecture and tutorial)
Seminar "Finance" (master level)
Fall 2022 Advanced Empirical Asset Pricing (master level, lecture and tutorial)
Team projects (bachelor level)
Seminar "Financial Economics" (bachelor level)
Spring 2022 Asset Pricing (master level, lecture)
Derivatives (bachelor/master level, lecture)
Seminar "Finance" (master level)
Fall 2021 Advanced Empirical Asset Pricing (master level, lecture and tutorial)
Team projects (bachelor level)
Seminar "Financial Economics" (bachelor level)
Spring 2021 Asset Pricing (master level, lecture)
Seminar "Financial Economics" (bachelor level)
Fall 2020 Advanced Empirical Asset Pricing (master level, lecture and tutorial)
Team projects (bachelor level)
Seminar "Financial Economics" (bachelor level)
Spring 2020 Web App Programming for Finance (master level, lecture)
Asset Pricing (master level, lecture)
Fall 2019 Advanced Empirical Asset Pricing (master level, lecture and tutorial)
Spring 2019 Capital Markets: Theory and Empirics (bachelor level, lecture and tutorial)
Seminar "Asset Pricing" (PhD level)
Fall 2018 Advanced Empirical Asset Pricing (master level, lecture and tutorial)
Spring 2018 Capital Markets: Theory and Empirics (bachelor level, lecture and tutorial)
Seminar "Asset Pricing" (PhD level)
Fall 2017 Advanced Empirical Asset Pricing (master level, lecture and tutorial)
Spring 2017 Derivatives 2 (master level, lecture)
Seminar "Asset Pricing" (PhD level)
Fall 2016 Advanced Empirical Asset Pricing (master level, lecture and tutorial)
Spring 2016 State prices (PhD level, lecture and tutorial)
Seminar "Asset Pricing" (PhD level)
Spring 2015 Derivatives 2 (master level, lecture and tutorial)
Seminar "Asset Pricing" (PhD level)
Spring 2014 Seminar "Commodity and Currency Markets" (master level)
Fall 2013 Introduction to Finance (tutorial, master level)
Seminar "Derivatives and Financial Engineering" (master level)
Finance Seminar (master level)
Fall 2012 Introduction to Finance (tutorial, master level)
Seminar "Advanced Topics in Option Pricing" (master level)
Finance Seminar (master level)
Fall 2011 Introduction to Finance (tutorial, master level)
Seminar "International Finance" (master level)
Fall 2010 Introduction to Finance (tutorial, master level, download script here)
Matlab for Finance (lecture, master level, taught in German, find German script below (also find the much more
comprehensive script by Kevin Sheppard in the LINKS)