Contains MATLAB code that replicates all tables and figures from "Non-substitutable consumption growth risk" (with Dittmar and Schlag, published in Management Science).
Contains MATLAB code that allows the execution of a large number of asset pricing tests, including Fama/MacBeth, Fama/MacBeth-Shanken, Fama/MacBeth-GMM, and numerous "robust" alternatives. It allows to replicate the results reported in our paper "A Skeptical Appraisal of Robust Asset Pricing Tests".
Same as above but written in Python.Â
Contains MATLAB code that performs two-stage regressions (a la Fama/MacBeth) with standard errors that account for errors-in-variables.
Contains MATLAB code and data that allows to replicate the results in Section 6 of our paper "GMM Weighting Matrices in Cross-sectional Asset Pricing Tests".