Free data sources (U.S. data):
Consumption data from FRED (also price indexes and U.S. population)
Interest rates from FRB
Returns on sorted portfolios and risk factors from Kenneth French's homepage
More portfolios and factors from Hou, Xue, and Zhang
More factors from Andrea Frazzini's homepage
Aggregate stock prices, dividends, and earnings from Robert Shiller's homepage
Long time series of financial data from Amit Goyal's homepage
Survey of professional forecasters from the Philadelphia Fed
cay (consumption-to-wealth ratio) from Martin Lettau's homepage
The Variance Risk Premium from Hao Zhou's homepage
Economic time series in general from Economagic
A comprehensive data set used by Beeler and Campbell in their CFR paper (see Supplementary information)
Data on the yield curve by Gürkaynak, Sack, and Wright
Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS-) data by Gürkaynak, Sack, and Wright
Currency returns from FRED
Free data sources (other countries):
Barro-Ursua dataset with consumption, output and population from all around the world from Robert Barro's homepage
Consumption data and much more from all around the world from the World Bank
Economic policy uncertainty indexes for different countries by Scott Baker, Nick Bloom, and Steven Davis
Returns on sorted portfolios from 12 developed and 4 emerging markets from Stefano Marmi's homepage
Survey of professional forecasters from the ECB
Realized variance of S&P500, FTSE, Nikkei, and DAX, 5 minute returns
Data on Asian Elephants at the Zoological Gardens of the World used in our paper "GMM Weighting Matrices in Cross-Sectional Asset Pricing Tests"
MFE Toolbox from Kevin Sheppard's homepage
GMM estimation and testing provided by Kostas Kyriakoulis
Simulated GMM toolbox by Huseyin Tastan
Projection methods and other things from Wouter den Haan's homepage
Differential evolution in many languages from Rainer Storn's homepage
Differential evolution (CoDE) from Yong Wang's homepage
MCMC toolbox by Marko Laine
Many programs (option pricing, econometrics, portfolio choice, etc.) by Eric Jondreau and Michael Rockinger
An Introduction to MATLAB and many helpful programs by Kevin Sheppard
Another Introduction to MATLAB by Eric Jondreau and Michael Rockinger
GMM with R docu by Pierre Chaussé
Video lectures:
John Cochrane's Asset Pricing course at the University of Chicago
Lars Peter Hansen's Nobel Prize Lecture about Asset Pricing under Ambiguity
Eugene Fama's Nobel Prize Lecture about Asset Pricing and Market Efficiency
Robert Shiller's Nobel Prize Lecture about Asset Price Bubbles
Lectures on Finance and other topics from the MIT